What is Best Sales Rank? What do you if your Product Sales Rank are all Separated in your Variation?

Jonathan Lee
6 min readNov 1, 2020


We all want to become #1 Best Seller one day for our products. To a customer it will be more convincing since it is the Best in that category and have a higher conversion rate. So what is a Best Seller Rank?

#1 Best Seller

What is a Best Sales Rank?

According to official Amazon.com

“The Amazon Best Sellers calculation is based on Amazon sales, and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical sales of every item sold on Amazon.

While the Amazon Best Sellers list is a good indicator of how well a product is selling overall, it doesn’t always indicate how well an item is selling in relation to similar items. We created category and subcategory best seller lists to highlight an item’s rank in the categories or subcategories where it really stands out.

We choose a few of the most popular subcategories in which the item has a high ranking in relation to other items in that subcategory, and showcase the item’s rank on the product page. As with the main Amazon Best Sellers list, these category rankings are based on Amazon sales, and are updated hourly.”

The Amazon Best Sellers Rank (also known as the Amazon Sales Rank) is simply a number that is awarded to a product once one sale has been completed.

What do you if your Product Sales Rank are all Separated in your Variation?

Who should be reading this? : Those who have variations in their product listing.

Amazon has a very vast catalog of products. According to their official Seller Support.

“In order to share the same rank please be informed that sharing sales ranks between variational ASINs is currently enabled for all stores, with a few exceptions, such as media stores.

Please make sure all variations are indeed the similar products and are assigned to the same browse nodes. ASINs with an incorrect variation family or assigned to different browse nodes may not get a sales rank.”

As long as all your Parent & Child ASIN are assigned to the same browse node it will be have combined sales rank.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is sales rank calculated?

According to official statement. “Sales rank is calculated based on all-time sales of an ASIN/Product where recent sales are weighted more than older sales.”

We believe that it is not only all-time sales or recent sales. There is A9 algorithm that needs to be considered. Read more about A9 Algorithm here. It is what makes your product rank higher.

Why do I not see any sales rank for my Product/ASIN?

According to official statement. “Sales ranks are displayed for an ASIN with a sale record and that has been assigned to the Featured Categories. Sales ranks are not generated for all categories because not all of them are useful to our customers. While we update best sellers list every hour, it can take up to 12 hours for an order to show the sales rank. In some cases not seeing a sales rank can be because of filtering rules applied during sales rank generation.”

Most commonly new products without any sales will not have any Best Seller Rank. Once it does have a sale it will eventually show a Best Seller Rank within 24 hours.

Why did my sales rank reduce or not increase after having a lot of sales?

According to official statement. “Sales ranks are relative. While your product has had a lot of sales, there may have been other products in the same category that might also have seen an increase. Also sales rank takes into account both recent and historical sales to determine rank.”

This is where they blur the lines and don’t tell you the specifics. You can read more about this in the A9 Algorithm here.

How are variations handled when it comes to sales rank?

According to official statement. “Variations handling depends on the Website Display Group (wdg) of the parent ASIN. In some stores, we add up all the sales for a child ASIN’s and apply it to the parent ASIN. In these stores parent ASIN’s and child ASIN’s will have the same rank. In other stores, we count the orders for each child ASIN separately and generate sales rank for each child ASIN. Please ensure that your child and parent ASIN’s are assigned to the same website display group, and the parent ASIN has the right browse categories assigned or you might not see a sales rank for the ASIN.”

Some cases you will find that their are different sales rank under different child variation. How do you fix this? Above I have written. “As long as all your Parent & Child ASIN are assigned to the same browse node it will be have combined sales rank.”

How can I get a best seller badge?

According to official statement. “Best seller badges are achievement awards that are assigned to those ASIN’s that are featured as #1 in a featured category with at least 100 products. In addition, there ordering thresholds that are placed on ASIN. These are different in different markets. We do not show best seller badges on product detail pages for stores where orders of the child ASIN’s are assigned to the parent and a sales rank is generated for the parent ASIN. We keep revisiting and experimenting with these criteria to make sure our best seller badges continue to be useful for our customers.”

Let you in on a secret. If your niche is very competitive or your would like to get a seller badge for your products. You should commit to some long tail keywords and keep advertising it and get sales from it.

For example you are selling a thermal water bottle. But there is someone who has Amazon Choice for the word “thermal bottle”.

It is unrealistic to compete with that word since they generate so many sales and reviews. You should try some long tail keywords such as. Thermal Stainless Pink Water Bottle. or Brand Name + Thermal Stainless Pink Water Bottle. Slowly build a following of that word and have high conversion rate for that word.

How can I get a New release badge?

According to official statement. “New release badges are achievements awards provided to ASINs that are #1 best sellers among the new releases in a category. The definition of new release varies from category to category. Please ensure release date (street date), publication date (if applicable) and product site launch date for your ASIN’s are accurate.”

Normally it will only last for 30 days or so. It is very crucial to advertise the heck out of it and keep optimizing and getting tons of reviews in the beginning. Take a loss short term and invest long term.

Why does another product with lesser reviews or poorer ratings have a higher sales rank than my product?

According to official statement. “Sales rank is generated based on order data and product reviews are not taken into consideration. Also number of reviews is not necessarily a direct indication of the number of sales.”

Still missing so many information. Read more in the A9 Algorithm Here.



Jonathan Lee

E-commerce Specialist | Amazon PPC Marketing Consulting | Copying Writing | Facebook ads, Google Ads | Social Media Agency