Top 10 Pinterest Statistics for 2020 Marketing
As you know we are approaching the end of 2019 and closer to 2020. Facebook ads are getting more and more expensive. Customers/Clients are immune to the ads they see on Facebook. Not as eye catching or makes you scroll stop. Customers/Clients are getting smarter and smarter. Diverse your brand in multiple platforms. Here are top 10 statistics you should consider when trying Pinterest as one of your social media platform.
Monthly Active Users
Pinterest has 300 million monthly active users worldwide (85 million are US users). Wow. Compared to the Facebook with 2.4 Billion Monthly active users. Only 13% of what Facebook has. Why should I even consider spending my time on Pinterest? Continue Reading and find out.
Pinterest Gender Demographics
It makes marketing even easier knowing that 70% of the users that are on Pinterest are female.
Female users on Pinterest are more active in adding pins to their boards vs. Men. Having a more active gender ratio is very beneficial to those who’s potential clients are. Such as mom gifts, nursery, bridesmaid, interior design, baby shower, and etc. Anything that is related to female users are a great way of targeting and exploiting it.
Ad tips. Just like choosing ads on Facebook. If you exclude men on Facebook, you would be losing close to 50% audiences. If you exclude them in Pinterest ad targeting you will be removing 30% of the male. Depending on the products & services you will be providing. This information is crucial in decision making.
Pinterest Age Demographics
Besides learning about the gender ratio. It is also important to know who are the main users of this social media platform. Most Pinterest Users are between Ages 30–49. According to statistics this particular hold in market share is about 34%
What about the Millennials & Gen Z that mostly have a greater impulse buy? Do not worry. According to statistics 2019. Ages between 18–29 US users account for 34%
Just these demographics you can pin point who to target and who your potential clients might be.
Math Check. 85 million or the 300 million users are US. Ages 18–49 users account for 68%. That means 57.8 million users fall into this category and 40.46 million users are female and 17.34 users are male.
Average Spent Time On Pinterest
Pinterest users spend an average of 14.2 minutes on the social media platform every day. That is relatively short compared to other social networks such as Facebook (58.5 minutes), Instagram (53 minutes), Snapchat (49.5 minutes), and YouTube (40 minutes).
But these valuable 14.2 minutes spent are certainly not for naught. Pinterest users are twice more likely to say that their time spent on the platform is well spent.
Pinterest is also the third most popular mobile social networking app in the US and users spend an average of 5.29 minutes per mobile app session (Statista, 2019). That’s more than the time spent on some of the other popular social media platforms mobile apps:
- Facebook (4.96 minutes)
- Twitter (3.39 minutes)
- Instagram (3.07 minutes)
- Snapchat (1.85 minutes)
These Pinterest statistics are certainly something to think about when planning your mobile commerce marketing plan for Pinterest!
So don’t neglect Pinterest! They have their value!
Total Number of Pinterest Pins
Why is this important? That means most Pinterest user is very active.
Fun Fact: Of the 200 billion pins, two-thirds are brand- or product-related pins and recipe-related pins constitute 1.7 billion.99 percent of pins on Pinterest contain an image — not a surprising Pinterest statistic, considering the visual nature of the platform. However, that’s not to say that all visual elements are equally as popular as just 0.3 percent of all pins have videos.
That being said. It is very important when using marketing your brand/product/services use photos & infographics efficiently.
Millennials/Gen Z Use Pinterest for Product Discovery
For US. We are talking about ages 18–49 users account for 68%. That means 57.8 million users fall into this category and 40.46 million users are female and 17.34 users are male. 57.8 million potential customers that will be your products/services. Branding is also essential since they will also would go to other social media platforms to see if you have any social presence their too. It is much more like social proof when millennials by online.
Extraordinary Monthly Searches on Pinterest
These refer to search queries that are entered as text which are then guided by Pinterest’s algorithm and suggestions to narrow down the search results to what users are looking for. Of these, 85 percent are done on mobile devices.
According to Pinterest, users who use the search function are generally looking for a range of ideas and possibilities instead of one “right answer.”
Pinterest also offers a visual search tool, which works very much in the same way as Google’s Reverse Image Search. Users can zoom in on a certain feature in a Pin and carry out a search relevant to this particular feature.
When you search something on Google or in Google Image search. You will most likely find a link to Pinterest. That is how powerful and useful this social media platform can be organically. Go try it now!
Pinterest’s Global Presence
When you plan on doing business worldwide or plan to expand your business worldwide. Using Pinterest is an amazing tool to use.
In 2016, the number of Pinterest users in the US outnumbered that of its international users: 65 million to 63 million. Since then, the number of international Pinterest users has multiplied nearly 2.5 times.
Today, the scales are tipped. The 85 million Pinterest users in the US make up 40 percent of its 215 million international users.
Taking these Pinterest stats into consideration, you may want to consider modifying your Pinterest marketing strategy to include a heavier focus on its international users.
If you have a product/services that can be available to international. This is a great service to use since the global presence of Pinterest has is extraordinary!
Try it consistently for 3 months and you will see substantial growth to your website traffic organically!
Pinterest’s Popularity Among Marketers
Previously said. It is great for building social presence and 2/3 of Pinterest users are non US.
But one advantage Pinterest has over its competitors is its referral potential: Pinterest drives 33 percent more referral traffic to shopping websites than Facebook.
The platform is also pretty influential in retail sales, with four out of every ten in-store shoppers say they use Pinterest while shopping.
Pinterest’s Influence on the Buying Decision Process
I can not stop emphasize the importance of social presence and social proof. Branding your products/services is so essential to gain your potential customers/clients trust. It is getting extremely competitive now compared to a few years ago.
100% recommend you to implement your business with Pinterest. Build social presence and Brand awareness.
Recap. Prepare for 2020
- Monthly Active Users (300M and growing)
- Pinterest Gender Demographics (70% Female to 30% Male)
- Pinterest Age Demographics (US 30–49)
- Average Spent Time On Pinterest (14:12 quality minutes) Potential Clients
- Total Number of Pinterest Pins (200 Billion saved pins) exponential growth
- Millennials/Gen Z Use Pinterest for Product Discovery (6/10 use Pinterest to discover new products)
- Extraordinary Monthly Searches on Pinterest (2 Billion searches + Growing)
- Pinterest’s Global Presence (great for businesses doing international or building international brand awareness)
- Pinterest’s Popularity Among Marketers (28% of all marketers worldwide use Pinterest to market)
- Pinterest’s Influence on the Buying Decision Process (8/10 Pinterest users have bought products based on their brands’ content on Pinterest)