Sneaky ways Amazon is making you to spend more - Amazon Seller -Sponsored Display -Part 1

Jonathan Lee
1 min readSep 15, 2021


This is an update that was added on 9/15/2021 for Sponsored Display.

jeff bezos blood sucking vampire

Today when I was creating Sponsored Display to Target for Targeting Products. I usually have specific ASINs that I want to add but Amazon “HELPED” you by adding “Similar to advertised products” by default.

If you didn’t notice and don’t want it. After advertising for a period of time and you download your Sponsored Display Reports it will have some ASIN that were not targeted by you but it was from Similar to advertised products. In other words making you spend more money. VERY Sneaky!

Sponsored Display Amazon Advertising

If you don’t have ASINs that you want to target specifically then this is suitable for you. Amazon will use their AI to find the right ASIN related to your products and display ads in front of the customer.

More sneaky ways in the future.



Jonathan Lee

E-commerce Specialist | Amazon PPC Marketing Consulting | Copying Writing | Facebook ads, Google Ads | Social Media Agency