šŸ˜­šŸ˜­NEGATIVE AMAZON PRODUCT REVIEWS! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ How to match them & How to Remove them?

Jonathan Lee
7 min readNov 1, 2020


As an Amazon Seller you constantly will be faced with this kind of problem. Every 5 or 4 star review doesnā€™t affect you. However once you see that 1 or 2 star product review. You will definitely notice it!

Negative Product Reviews are a very hot topic. Iā€™m going to touch on three things in the article on why is it important to manage negative reviews. Also how do you go about matching up a negative review with itā€™s order so you can go out and contact that reviewer and finally number three what type of system should you have in place to manage negative reviews over the long haul? It does sounds interesting. Negative reviewsā€¦ itā€™s a part of life when selling on Amazon. If youā€™re a new seller or youā€™re not quite into the market or youā€™re a seasoned seller you know that whenever those negative reviews come in you died a little bit inside donā€™t you.

So how do we take care of those? Why is it important to take care of those negative reviews? And how do we go about doing it?

As a customer you and I both know we go onto amazon.com we go to buy something. There are a whole list of things we look at right. We look at the pictures, we look at the details, description and the most important we look at REVIEWS. I go onto Amazon and Iā€™m looking at a product I scroll all the way down to the negative reviews I make sure to check out what theyā€™re saying so I can see is this gonna be an issue for myself. No doubt you probably do the same most buyers in general do that exact same thing. So if we want our product to have the best opportunity at succeeding we want to limit the negative reviews as much as possible. Sometimes itā€™s a misunderstanding sometimes they had a faulty product. You never know there are a ton of reasons why you can get a negative review.

So the next question is how do I go about matching a negative review to its order so that I can then go out and contact that purchaser and hopefully make amends. Feedback whiz used to make it very simple for you to be able to match any negative reviewer to the order number but Amazon did not like this and thatā€™s because as a reviewer they wanted to make sure that you were anonymous when leaving a review on an item keep the marketplace on the up-and-up and these different tools made it so that no reviewer was anonymous even if they want it to be. Recently Amazon has reached out to different tools that have access to their API third-party tools such as Amazon fire, feedback whiz all sorts of different ones and they are asking them to remove any feature that matches up negative reviews.

So with those features goneā€¦ How are we going to do find the reviewer? Go on Amazon and weā€™re checking out this Gym Matt.

Now pretend thatā€™s your brand JIGMATS what do customers do you see this one has four stars okay itā€™s at 4.0 ? And if your rating gets to 4.3 your star rating will show four and a half stars. So just removing a few negative reviews could be huge in the overall sales of your product right four star versus four and a half star is huge and the amount of reviews that you need to get as opposed to just removing one negative review is tremendous.

How do we go about matching them upā€¦?

So letā€™s go down here to the reviews hereā€¦

Letā€™s sort by one star and here we go okay so when looking at which one-star review is to look for first I try to look at the ones that are top rated. These are ones that have a lot of up votes and that often times are showing on the front page within your listing when they scroll down to see the reviews. After you hit those ones that are top rated then I would sort it by most recent the most recent ones you have the highest likelihood of having them perhaps change their review because these are ones who just left it if you can catch them right away thereā€™s a good chance that they might switch the review now if youā€™re talking to someone whoā€™s four months ago theyā€™ve already thrown away the product they have no use for it itā€™s gonna be a lot harder to convince them to change the review.

So as we look here in the reviews we notice they have different pen names now this is a pen names.

Erin.. etc. Youā€™ll see that some of these are full names like this one

Michael Tarshi. It looks like a full name and a partial of a name okay so after you find out what their pen name is weā€™re looking for ones that have full names. If possibleā€¦you will take that full name and then youā€™re gonna go into Amazon seller central. Go to your orders and search the most recent 30ā€“60 days order. Then just ctrl + F and search for that name ā€œMichael Tarshiā€ also look for the one that they purchased. Hopefully narrowing it down and finding Michael Tarshi and her order. Contact him it is most likely he made the purchase within one to two months prior to that date okay so thatā€™s weā€™re gonna focus our search efforts on.

Another way is to use Feedback Wiz and search for their full name.

So what do we do?

We can email him. I recommend not referencing them changing their review okay Amazon does not like it they view it as review and manipulation. Iif you are going out there and youā€™re saying hey can you change your review they do not like that so your best option your best bet to getting them to change the review. It is making them happy and hopefully by doing that they will go in on their own and change that product review. I always reach out to them I say something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m sorry that the product didnā€™t meet your standards we treat all of our customers like family and we want to make it up to you is your current address still correctā€ and I leave it there this gives them an opportunity to reply and say yeah the address is correct or no this is a different address or donā€™t even reply. Donā€™t worry about it. Usually they will respond and say yes this is my current address then we would say, ā€œgreat we want to ship you a complimentary product you can expect it in a couple days you shoot that out to them our deepest sincerest apologiesā€. Very simple itā€™s a two-step process you reach out to them you apologize you say hey is the address on file still correct weā€™d love to send you a complimentary item they write back they say yes. It is then you can respond to that weā€™ll get that out to you in just a few days sorry about the hassle we treat all of our customers like family and itā€™s taken care of right now I personally have seen quite a few people change their reviews to a positive you after they get it alright because theyā€™ve already shown the awareness right to go and leave the negative review. A lot of times theyā€™ll show the awareness to go and change that once youā€™ve made them satisfied. Now on a side noteā€¦ thereā€™s this book, itā€™s called Raving Fans. Raving Fans a revolutionary approach to customer service now the gist of this book is thereā€™s regular customer service and then thereā€™s a customer service that will build you raving fans. Pretend you are that customer who got a faulty product or whatever and you left the negative review and youā€™re just unhappy. What would make you happy? Now take whatever that is and 10x that and thatā€™s what you should do for every single one your negative reviewers!

Getting Rid of Negative Reviews and making it right for the customer is the most important thing! Not only for the customer but also for the seller. You make things right for them and will have ā€œRaving Fansā€. Sales will be better over time with that 4.5 Stars instead of 4.0 Stars. Yes there are other things needs to be taken care of that affects Sales but Customer Service is #1. Since Amazon WILL ALWAYS STAND ON THE CUSTOMERS SIDE and RARELY on the SELLER. Good luck selling!



Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee

Written by Jonathan Lee

E-commerce Specialist | Amazon PPC Marketing Consulting | Copying Writing | Facebook ads, Google Ads | Social Media Agency

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