How to Remove Negative Review on Amazon. Step by Step Guide

Jonathan Lee
3 min readNov 6, 2020


Hello! I know you are in a rush to remove a review. So straight to the point!

Step 1: Go to your Seller Account and click on Help

Step 2: Click on Get Support

Step 3: Click on Selling on Amazon

Step 4: Click on Or, browse for your issue in the menu

Step 5: Click on Products, Listing, or Inventory

Step 6: Click on Product Reviews

Step 7: Fill in the information needed in the template.

Within 24 hours Amazon Community Team will email you back and tell you whether your Review as been removed or not.

If you received and email from the Community Team and it states the following


We appreciate that you took the time to contact us about the review titled “[TITLE]” for the “[PRODUCT]”

We read the review and did not find that it qualifies for removal for violating our Community Guidelines (available here: We encourage our customers to give their honest feedback, whether positive or negative, about the products sold on our site. Our Community Guidelines exist to cultivate a space where customers can share their opinions about the products they receive in a way that is relevant and helpful to other customers.

If you want to report violations of customer reviews in future, please click on the “Report abuse” link near the content. If no “Report abuse” link is available, please contact us via E-Mail.

We appreciate your understanding.

We’d appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.”

That means your review did not qualify and can not be removed.

What to do next?

If you need more help please read this Story. It teaches you how to deal with the issues of Negative Reviews.



Jonathan Lee

E-commerce Specialist | Amazon PPC Marketing Consulting | Copying Writing | Facebook ads, Google Ads | Social Media Agency