An Instagram Account that was sold for 85 Million Dollars?

Jonathan Lee
2 min readOct 1, 2020


How can a Instagram account be sold for 85 Million Dollars? Who will be willing to spend 85 million dollars for an Account? Just what kind of an account is this?

First things first.

This account was acquired by Warner Music Group for a Meme Page: Daquan.

What is a Meme Page?

Generally, it’s an online forum, typically found on social media sites like FaceBook, in which students sell anything from football tickets to textbooks, look for roommates, share university specific news or events, or, as the name suggests, post memes. Memes, for the uninitiated, are funny pictures, often accompanied by text that are widespread across the internet to hilariously highlight common experiences or situations people experience. Usually used in jest, memes are generally innocent in nature and safe to send to others.

So this “Daquan” Instagram Account is a meme page that tends to a particular audience that inspire their interests. Warner Music Group took interest in it and bought the account for 85 Million Dollars.

Can you also make an Instagram account and start making money?

Yes you can. Post things that you are interested in and start growing.

If you happen to have issues with your Instagram Account and was blocked. Click Here for the article that I wrote.



Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee

Written by Jonathan Lee

E-commerce Specialist | Amazon PPC Marketing Consulting | Copying Writing | Facebook ads, Google Ads | Social Media Agency

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